Comment – Sasha Uzunov, Editor of Alternate Comms
US DEEP STATE THEATRICS, OPTICS, SPIN, SHAM, BREAD & CIRCUSES… not fooling anyone in Macedonia !
The US State Department Deep State installed right wing Albanian Neo Nazi extremists in Macedonia via the 2001 war. The US, together with Germany, Italy, UK and EU – still refuse to condemn the WWII Albanian Nazi statues in Macedonia & Albanian Neo Nazi ideology. US going after “corruption” is a clever smokescreen, distraction.
Why not be brave enough and condemn the WWII Albanian Nazi statues in Macedonia, the use of Greater Albania Flags, the Skopje street named after WWII Albanian Nazi collaborator. The stubborn refusal to do so shows the US’s so called new “anti corruption campaign” in Macedonia is a sham. It is not genuine.
How many times can the US State Department Deep State keep fooling the Macedonian people with pretend “activism” which is cleverly used to mask, distract, divert attention from the real problems?
Ironically, these problems have been caused by the US in the first place, the use of corrupt and compromised politicians (ex Yugoslavists who were anti US but overnight became more American than the Americans)…and the promotion of Albanian Neo Nazi extremist ideology…
The 2018 Prespa Agreement was strong armed by the US who used “Balkan methods” – euphemism for corruption. It erased Macedonian indetitiy on behalf of Greece. A US Presidential Executive Order even “criminalises” Macedonianness with punishment by being put on the US blacklist.
This is racist and neo colonial and something out of the 19th century – a foreign state (the US) banning native indigenous Macedonians from their identity and history and name.

Artan Grubi, a right wing Albanian Neo Nazi extremist in Macedonia, was groomed by the US, via the Dutch Embassy in Macedonia, which acts as a kind of “Swiss Finishing School – it polishes up Albanian extremists for public consumption.
What can we extrapolate from Grubi being put on the US corruption blacklist?
1. The US runs the show in Macedonia – it can install and take down proxies.
2. Grubi’s extravagant behaviour, to put it diplomatically, was even embarrassing for his patron the US.
3. But if you notice, the US refuses to condemn Grubi’s Albanian Neo Nazi ideology. It only smacks him on the hand for being allegedly corrupt. It’s a very clever diversion, spin.