COMMENT: Sasha Uzunov, Editor of Alternate Comms
NATO DEPUTY SECRETARY GENERAL – Ex Macedonian politician Radmila Sekerinska
The appointment of opportunist Radmila Sekerinska -whose loyalty to NATO is questionable to begin with- is a useless gesture and a PR stunt, spin, a bribe, to whitewash the fact NATO, EU, US, UK, Germany’s role in changing Macedonia’s name and erasing its identity on behalf of Greece. Greek veto over Macedonia’s name blocked Macedonia’s entry into NATO until 2018.
Sekerinska, who has declared in the past she is of Serb background, was a Slobodan Milosevic and Yugoslavist supporter until he fell from power in Serbia in 2000 via US sponsored soft coup. She never held a single protest against Serb nationalism not even when the US Embassy in Skopje, Macedonia was set alight by Serb anti NATO protestors in 1999.
She was anti NATO, anti US. Overnight in 2000 she became more American than the Americans.
If NATO has to use such discredited, corrupt opportunists it tells you how desperate it is for any kind of support in Macedonia- given that native indigenous Macedonians are strongly critical of NATO because their name was changed and identity erased to “join” NATO.
The greatest security threat to Macedonia comes fellow NATO member Bulgaria and from US & NATO supported internal right wing Albanian Neon Nazi extremists in Macedonia who openly in the media threaten the country.
Sekerinska who is now “loyal” to the US supports Bulgaria, Albanian Neo Nazi extremists and Greece.
Let’s be brutally honest here – her appointment to NATO Deputy Secretary General is a “reward’ (big fat bribe in reality) for her role in changing Macedonia’s name and erasing its identity

HOW LOW NATO HAD TO GO TO GET SUPPORT IN MACEDONIA – DEPTHS OF DESPERATION – Support for NATO by native indigenous Macedonians is low because their name and identity was changed for NATO. As a consequence NATO has to draw upon discredited figures, in Macedonia such as Radmila Sekerinska, of Serb background, whose political milieu attacked the US Embassy in Macedonia in 1999 in protest against NATO’s war in Kosovo. She held not one counter protest outside the Serb Embassy in Macedonia in support of the US and NATO. It’s precisely that reason she is a valuable asset for the US. Being discredited and corrupt makes you easier to be blackmailed, which is why Stevo Pendarovski was installed by the US as Macedonia’s President. NATO’s use of people who were anti NATO only confirms its desperation, opportunism and lack of legitimacy and moral principles in the eyes of the Macedonians.
There is a large naval base on the Greek island of Crete, which is used by NATO and the US to police the Mediterranean; there are four US military bases in Bulgaria, which has a coastline on the very strategic Black Sea shared with Ukraine and Russia. Then there is Albania. Greece, Bulgaria and Albania are more valuable to NATO as members than Macedonia is. Macedonia’s membership is down to a cynical move to deny potential Russian “meddling” which is non existent to begin with.

It’s ironic that those in Macedonia who did not favour Macedonian independence from Yugoslavia in 1991, and who were anti US, anti NATO, anti EU but who were pro Slobodan Milosevic and pro Yugoslav all of a sudden became in 2000- when the Milosevic regime in Serbia fell – more American than the Americans and more NATO than NATO: some of the Macedonian politicians who fit the aforementioned description include Branko Crvenkovski, Denko Maleski, Stevo Pendarovski, Radmila Sekerinska and so on.
It tells you how desperate the West has been in trying to draw support in Macedonia. Anyone will do. It shows a moral bankruptcy and lack of scruple. It reinforces the view that the US will go to any ruthless length – even using people who were anti US and who even burned a US Embassy- to achieve its objectives in Macedonia on behalf of Greece. Quite extraordinary. Breathtaking.
It goes without saying that both NATO and the US support right wing Albanian Neo Nazi extremists in Macedonia; and Bulgaria’s anti Macedonian agenda.