GRUEVSKI’S “GREAT ESCAPE” / WILD GOOSE CHASE – was it orchestrated by the US?
– comment by Sasha Uzunov
Did the United States “allow” ex Macedonia Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, recently convicted of corruption, to escape jail time in Macedonia in order to turn focus off name change of the country?
It is fashionable to pin various conspiracies upon the United States’ Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) such as the Kennedy assassination and even bizarrely 9/11 attacks on New York City. One thing is for sure tiny Macedonia has been under US control ever since it broke away from Yugoslavia in 1991.
To highlight this, there is the 2003 Khaled El Masri scandal – where a visiting German Lebanese man was taken into custody by the Macedonian authorities and handed over to the CIA to “render” – that is torture – in the mistaken belief that El Masri was a terrorist linked to Al Qaeda. He was flown to Afghanistan. That went pear-shaped when it was discovered the US had the wrong man and he was released back into Macedonia via Albania – interesting route you’ll note. more on El Masri here

Report by the European Court of Human Rights. UBK is Macedonian intelligence.

1994 US press article – link here
Nothing really happens without Washington knowing about it or pulling the strings in Macedonia such as installing and taking down governments to letting loose the Albanian Kosovar KLA’s Macedonian terror franchise led by Ali Ahmeti in the 2001 war.
The basic facts are as follows – in 2015/16 an anti corruption movement calling itself the Colour Revolution – and assisted by Serb NGO Canvas and funded by Western cash – began a series of protests against the Gruevski government (2006-16). Paint was thrown at Macedonian statues in protest against Gruevski’s penchant for Ancient Macedonian history.
Interestingly, and this will become important later, no paint was thrown at Albanian Nazi collaborator statues nor protests held outside the Serbian Embassy in Macedonia. Wiretaps of corrupt behaviour involving Gruevski and his crew were leaked and became known as bombs but nothing about Albanian politicians such as Ali Ahmeti who had been Gruevski’s coalition partner in government for a decade.
This was remarkable that Ahmeti could remain squeaky clean. But being an important American client he was needed to form government with SDSM, the Macedonian Social Democrats who had in 1999 jettisoned their pro Serb and pro Slobodan Milosevic regime position to becoming the US’s biggest supporters. It was nasty opportunism and cynicism from both camps.
During Gruevski’s “escape” Serb President Vucic confirmed that he allowed the ex Macedonian PM to pass through Serbia to get to Hungary. Yet not one protest has ever seen held by the leading actors of the so called Colour Revolution in Macedonia such as Pavle Bogoevski, Ivana Tufegdzik, Borjan Jovanovski, Ivana Jordanovska, Branko Geroski and a host of others at the Serb Embassy in Skopje, Macedonia at this “assistance” – which only confirms that the Colour Revolution movement against corruption in Macedonia was phoney to begin with. The real motive was to bring about name change on behalf of Greece and to satisfy US strategic needs in bedding down the Balkans. see link about the Colour Revolution here
These so called activists have remained silent over the World War II Albanian Nazi collaborator statues that have been built in Macedonia by Albanian politicians post 2001 war. It’s not a good idea to point out that the US’s political client – Albanian politicians – also “dabble” in Neo Nazism. Wouldn’t look good for Washington’s image. So a deliberate silence remains over these statues.
To cut a long story short – the Opposition, SDSM (Social Democrats) boycotted the Macedonian Parliament for a year or so; Gruevski resigned as Prime Minister in early 2016 as part of the controversial EU brokered Przino Agreement which would “return” SDSM to parliament and a caretaker government came into effect until new elections could be held later in 2016.
Gruevski’s VMRO-DPMNE won the most seats but not enough to form government in its own right and sought a coalition with its previous partner in “crime” – so to speak – for over a decade – Albanian nationalist party, DUI, led by terrorist turned politician Ali Ahmeti.
Just after the elections the “Tirana Platform” – a set of unreasonable demands made during a gathering of Albanian politicians from Macedonia, Albania and Kosovo in the Albanian capital and chaired by Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama – in effect the Platform would turn Macedonia into a federalised state and pave the way for Albanian secession and a Greater Albanian project. Suspicion remains that the Tirana Platform – like the Prespa Agreement – was the work of the US. Outgoing CIA Director just happened to be passing though Tirana and dropped in to discuss “counter terrorism” just before the Platform was announced.
Be that as it may, Gruevski was unable to form government and after enormous US arm twisting by State Department official Brian Hoyt Yee, Macedonia’s President George Ivanov reluctantly gave Zoran Zaev, the leader of SDSM, a mandate to form a government, which he did post haste.
On 27 April 2017, the Macedonian Parliament was stormed by VMRO-DPMNE supporters and Macedonians in general who were opposed to Talat Xhaferi, the former Albanian terrorist and Macedonian Army deserter who had become Macedonia’s Defence Minister under ironically Gruevski in 2013, from being elected Parliamentary Speaker as part of the Zaev Government.
His election remains disputed. What isn’t in dispute is the deliberate choice of Xhaferi as Parlimentary Speaker – having served as Defence Minister under Gruevski why then the opposition to him being elected Speaker? Most Macedonians didn’t support Xhaferi becoming Defence Minister let alone Parliamentary Speaker.
First and foremost, Gruevski was installed by the US. Therefore, it makes sense that Xhaferi became Defence Minister and an amnesty for the KLA killers from the 2001 war was shepherded though the Macedonian Parliament by Gruevski. The US had to get its political clients off the hook for starting the 2001 war in Macedonia in the first place.
Gruevski’s downfall has more to do with his unwillingness to change Macedonia’s name – rather than his corruption or failure to pander to Albanian nationalist demands.
THE RISE AND FALL OF GRUEVSKI – 2008 Dimitrov seals Gruevski’s fate.
The key to understanding this is Nikola Dimitrov, a haughty diplomat cum national security advisor. We have courtesy of two wikileaks 2008 US diplomatic cables which reveal Dimitrov as an informer for the US. see link here
Dimitrov is now the Foreign Minister of Macedonia and put his name to the controversial Prespa Agreement with Greece, which will see Macedonia change its name and lose its identity in the process.
Add to that the so called Good Neighbourly Agreement with Bulgaria signed in 2017- which is nothing more than blackmail by Sofia. The objective, like the Prespa Agreement, is to have Macedonia give up its history and “soften” Bulgaria’s brutal WWII occupation of Macedonia. Both Greece and Bulgaria and NATO and EU members and have used that powerful lever against Macedonia. In order to keeps its allies happy, the US has opted to go for the path of least resistance, that is wiping out Macedonian identity.
In one of the 2008 cables, written by then US Ambassador Phillip T. Reeker:
“There is some evidence that the Gruevski government is laying the groundwork for preparing the Macedonian people for remaining outside the Alliance and the EU for some years to come.”
During an August 2018 visit to Macedonia, now an US official posted to NATO, Reeker couldn’t contain his joy at “regime” and “name change” by giving Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran Zaev a big bear hug.
Croat trip-wire doesn’t go off? – DIMITROV’S HOOK TURN.
A Croat intelligence SOA source told Team Uzunov blog/Alternate Comms that it was taken by surprise at the Gruevski “escape” via hook turn at Albania-Montenegro. Did US want Gruevski out of Macedonia?
Why didn’t Foreign Minister Dimitrov send a prior note to neighbouring states after Gruevski’s civilian and diplomatic passports were confiscated by the courts -as a condition of his bail-not to let him enter their territories?
The whole purpose of confiscating someone’s passport is to not allow them to leave the state. It’s only logical that once Gruevski’s passports were taken, the next step should have been for Dimitrov to have sent a diplomatic note months ago to Albania, Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia, Montenegro and the all EU countries not to allow Gruevski to enter their territory regardless if he held a valid ID or not and even if no arrest warrant was issued. This is either incompetence or deliberate action on the part of Dimitrov.
Dimitrov is a former Presidential National Security Advsidor and ex Macedonian Ambassador to the US. According to a 2008 US diplomatic cable, he is an informer, a protected confidential source for the US.
Albania and Montenegro are CIA & German Intelligence (BND) turf. If Gruevski had fled directly through Serbia for Hungary that would have set off Croat Intelligence, which maintains a small intelligence team in Macedonia closely monitoring its long time rival Serbia.
Despite the fact that the Prespa Agreement on Macedonian name-change was heavily boycotted at the 30 September referendum, the ruling SDSM (pushed heavily by the West) continues to act like nothing happened, as it steamrollers ahead with its plans to alter Macedonia’s constitution by 15 January.
On the 13th of November, Gruevski claimed through Facebook that he would be seeking political asylum in Hungary because of ‘death threats’ against him. Republika reported at that time that the fugitive PM had escaped to Budapest because of the two-year prison sentence he had been given by the US-backed Special Prosecutor’s officer. The pro-VMRO-DPMNE media claimed that the case against Gruevski was ‘purely political’ and executed because he had ‘refused’ to change Macedonia’s name through a negotiation with Greece and thus been toppled from power.
The Macedonian politician’s dramatic getaway was more than a bit suspicious, firstly because the initial reports were conflicting about how he had even gotten to Hungary. Serb ultra-nationalist Vojislav Seselj even claimed that a Chetnik vanguard had escorted Gruevski through Serbia, a laughable scenario. The accepted narrative later became that Gruevski went with Hungarian diplomatic escort through Albania, Montenegro and Serbia in order to reach Hungary.
Given that Macedonia is an American protectorate and that Albania and Montenegro are NATO members, it beggars belief to assume that Gruevski could have pulled a fast one on the Yanks by escaping in such a manner. One of the most high-profile Balkan politicians, under constant government surveillance for years, becoming suddenly capable of crossing through three countries to get away? It just doesn’t add up.
The theatrical element of Gruevski’s claimed but unspecified ‘death threats’ was more than met by PM Zaev, who floated the idea that Hungary had ‘kidnapped’ Gruevski and warned that the latter country should answer to him. Zaev announced that his government would do ‘everything in its power,’ media reported, to bring Gruevski back into Macedonian custody. Apparently his government’s power does not extend that far therefore, because a month later Gruevski is still apparently in Hungary.
In that period, Zaev has also called upon the left-wing opposition in Hungary to help the quest to arrest his former main rival- the only result of this being to feed the issue of Gruevski as a domestic (Hungarian) internal political argument for parties there.
Alternate Comms/TEAM UZUNOV blog has observed the reactions to the Gruevski getaway in Macedonia and abroad, and it appears clear that most Macedonians (even VMRO supporters) are not particularly bothered either way. Gruevski lost public credibility after he failed to keep his word (back in early 2015) and come out and tell the public about the alleged foreign coup plot supporting Zaev, SDSM, and their subsequent American-funded ‘Colourful Revolution’ the following year. In the run-up to the December 2016 elections, Gruevski dramatically announced that SDSM would arrest his inner circle if it won power- but that he would be prepared for the consequences if it meant saving the country.
Gruevski’s letter to EU bigwigs complained about the politicisation of the Special Prosecutor and the rest of the judiciary against VMRO-DPMNE. Incredibly enough, the fugitive leader even called for the EU to send its own expert judges to rule on cases in Macedonia- something that would seem to fly in the face of everything he and his party stood for, in claiming to want a sovereign and self-ruling state since the party was formed in 1991. Some EU leaders confirmed they had received the letter, but none have responded and there is a baffling silence among the media in Skopje about this controversial suggestion from Gruevski.