Comment- Sasha Uzunov, Editor Alternate Comms
–Is King Charles III the thin royal red line?
Let us be brutally honest. Canada faces an existential threat. Let us brutally honest by adding that if it removes the British monarchy, it is finished as a nation-state and will be swallowed up by its more powerful and predatory neighbour, the United States of America. It cannot possible survive the full force of Cultural Americanisation on its front door step. US President Donald Trump wants Canada to give up its independence and join the US.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not a British Imperialist and have no links to Britain. I am not even a monarchist but the reality is Britishness is what keeps Canada Canadian and stops it being fully Americanised.
The Canadians or more precisely Canadian Britishers fought two wars against the US to stop from becoming American – US War of Independence (1775-83) and the War of 1812 (1812-14).
Anglophone Canadians together with Francophones and native indigenous Canadians (Indians) have to make a decision – do they stick with the devil they know, the British Crown and its colonial legacy or the devil that could be far worse, the US?
The US record in treating native indigenous peoples is atrocious. French speakers in Louisiana, a former French colony taken over by the US were quickly assimilated and lost their Frenchness and ironically became Americanised/Anglicised.