by Sasha Uzunov
Skopje, Macedonia
Tuesday, 4 September 2018
The Spanish Ambassador to Macedonia, Mr Emilio Lorenzo Serra, has defended a controversial European Union agricultural project which aims to “consolidate” numerous small farming plots into larger more economically viable farms. – (EU funded MAINLAND project see link here )
Mr Serra was a guest speaker at a recycling and waste management project event in Skopje held by Macedonia’s deputy Environment Minister Mr Jani Makrudli. Mr Serra also made the controversial remark, referring to Macedonia as North Macedonia. see link here
A number of Macedonian farmers contacted TEAM UZUNOV blog on the condition of anonymity to express worry over the EU’s Land Consolidation project.
They are saying that it is a smokescreen for multinationals from Germany or the Netherlands etc. to buy up their land cheaply. The Spanish Ambassador Emilio Lorenzo Serra reacted to those concerns.
“…the reason for the Land Consolidation is that if you have a very small piece of land you will have a lot more big difficulties to buy a tractor or irrigate your land properly than if you joined forces with other [land] owners. You don’t necessarily have to sell your land to big companies – as you said – from from Germany or Holland.” – Interview below.
– more on Ambassador Plomp at this link
This is very disturbing. What is the big interest of these other countries? It's as if they want to reshape Macedonia and wipe away or erase the heritage. I pray the citizens stand up to the governing forces. Rise up Macedonia and stand for your country!!!
Why dont the Dutch and the rest of concerned EU helpers mind their own frigging business and leave the Macedonians alone. The people know how to farm their land they have been doing it for centuries.
EU is not Makedonija friend and never will be. They only have globalist expansionist ideas and land grabbing agendas, and protect the interest of our " friendly " meant NOT SO FRIENDLY neigbours who erect statues of NAZI sympathisers.
To those "benevolent" EU ambasodors – why dont you piss off and take you evil plans somewhere else and leave MAKEDONIJA alone. We know you come dressed like wolves in sheeps clothing and seems that you trained our politicians to be your lap dogs/sheep.
But there is a GOD and I am sure he will deal with all who is against Biblical MAKEDONIJA in his own way to pujish you for your blaspheming ..