“Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s” – Matthew 22:21

comment by Sasha Uzunov
Despite the hoopla, religious fanfare and media hype, the real purpose of Pope Francis’s visit to Macedonia was a political “blessing” of name change of the country into North Macedonia at the behest of the West. It was a very cynical and underhanded use of religion to erase Macedonian identity for US strategic needs.
As the title suggests in the recent New York Times article – Pope Francis visit Helps Put North Macedonia on the Map – that was the real purpose of the Pope’s visit. It was a political visit not a religious one.
Instead of doing God’s work he was doing Caesar’s work (NATO/US/EU). If the Pope and his predecessors were genuinely concerned for the souls of Macedonians they would have visited years ago !
The New York Times story is also disingenuous in repeating the mantra that the Prespa Agreement was put together by both Greece and Macedonia in order to solve a long-running name dispute – which in fact was caused by Greece refusing to recognise the existence of Macedonians – when it was drafted by the US and imposed for Washington’s strategic needs in bedding down the Balkans and denying the Russians any access. The brutal arithmetic is there is a large naval base on the Greek island of Crete, which both the US and NATO need to police the Mediterranean and four US military bases in Bulgaria.
It has more to do with brutal self-interest for US strategic planners than for any concern for democracy, rule of law, and a corruption-free society in Macedonia.
The United States has created the dynamic of ethnic tensions in Macedonia by installing Albanian extremists such as Ali Ahmeti, who regards World War II Albanian Nazi collaborators as heroes. The US has remained deliberately silent over its political client Ahmeti’s neo-Nazi views towards Macedonians.